Pubg Actress San Riyah photoshoot images

Pubg actress San Riyah aka Saran Rithika latest hot photoshoot images. Tamil movie Polladha Ulagil Bayangara Game (Pubg) will be featuring Aishwarya Dutta in lead role. Actress San Riyah photos will be doing supporting role in the movie along with actress Aradya, Anithra Nair, Niveda Baddula, and Shantini Theva.

Inspired by Players Unknown’s Battle Ground (PUBG) game, this film is titled ‘Polladha Ulagil Bayangara Game’ to have the same acronym is the original game. The comedy thriller stars Bigg Boss Tamil fame Aishwarya Dutta. It will also feature the debut of Chiyaan Vikram’s nephew, Arjuman.

The director of the film, Vijay Sri G, met Arjuman through a publicist and felt like the role suited him well from his look and man bun. When he found Arjuman, Vijay Sri G had no idea that he was the nephew of Chiyaan Vikram. He was quick to find out the two were indeed family when he made a comparison between Arjuman and Vikram’s looks.

Arjuman will be battling against Aishwarya’s character in the film. ‘Polladha Ulagil Bayangara Game’ will also feature Mottai Rajendran and Bigg Boss Julie as crime branch officers. Check out Pubg actress San Riyah more photos at San Riyah Instagram page:

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